Internal rules of stay at Park-Hotel "GOLD BEACH"

Internal rules of residence at the Park Hotel "Golden Beach"

1. General provisions

1.1. These rules of residence (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish for the guests of the Park Hotel "Golden Beach" (hereinafter referred to as the Park Hotel), the internal regulations of residence on the territory of the Park Hotel, the rules for using its property, the scope of services, and the responsibility of the parties.

1.2. The Park Hotel's activities are also regulated by the Order of the State Tourism Administration of Ukraine dated 16.03.2004 No. 19 "On Approval of the Rules for the Use of Hotels and Similar Accommodation Facilities and Provision of Hotel Services", the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" and other regulatory legal acts of Ukraine.

2. Rules for using the property of the Park Hotel "Golden Beach"

2.1. The Park Hotel provides consumers of any services of the Park Hotel (hereinafter referred to as "vacationers") with furnished rooms, rooms with kitchens equipped with household appliances (TV, refrigerator, etc.), plumbing and other equipment for accommodation. The rooms and common areas have modern decoration, engineering networks, equipment and appropriate equipment.

2.2 Vacationers must take care of the Park Hotel property, use the equipment for its intended purpose, and comply with fire safety requirements. In case of detection of property damage, technical malfunctions, emergencies (flooding, fire, glass breakage, etc.), you must immediately notify the administrator.

3. Internal regulations for accommodation on the territory of the Park Hotel

3.1. The administrator monitors compliance with the internal regulations. He/she provides explanations to the guests about the rules of residence, accepts complaints from them about the actions of the staff and other guests who violate the established procedure.

3.2. After concluding the contract for the provision of services for temporary accommodation (accommodation) in the Park Hotel (hereinafter referred to as the Service Agreement), vacationers receive a key to the room provided for accommodation from the administrator.

3.3 Smoking is prohibited in all rooms, bathrooms, corridors and other premises, as well as on the territory. Smoking is allowed in a specially designated place. In case of violation of this rule, the administration has the right to evict the guest.

3.4. From 22:00 to 8:00 in the morning, it is necessary to maintain silence in the premises of the Park Hotel "Golden Beach" and on the territory. It is forbidden to turn on audio systems and TVs at high volume in the rooms. In case of repeated violation of silence, at the time specified in this paragraph, the administration of the Park Hotel has the right to evict the vacationer.

3.5. It is forbidden to give room keys to unauthorized persons.

3.6. The presence of any animals and birds on the territory of the Park Hotel "Golden Beach" is prohibited. 

3.7. It is prohibited to bring and/or store weapons, explosives, flammable and toxic materials on the territory. 

3.8. Vacationers are not allowed to bring guests to the territory. Everything must be agreed with the administrator. 

3.9. Cleanliness in the Park Hotel "Golden Beach" is mandatory (on the beach, in the forest, in the rooms, etc.).

3.10. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on the territory of the park hotel and to be in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication.

3.11. Movement on the territory is restricted. The restricted area for customers is fenced off with signs. 

3.12. It is forbidden to visit the territory of the Park Hotel "Golden Beach" with any kind of cold, firearms, sports or other types of weapons.

4. Energy saving

4.1 After leaving the room, all electrical appliances must be turned off. Do not leave electrical appliances (except for the refrigerator) and lighting on after leaving the room. 

4.2. It is forbidden to use powerful electrical appliances, including heating appliances, in the rooms, unless these appliances are included in the standard equipment of the room or issued for use by the Park Hotel staff. 

4.3. Do not leave the cold and/or hot water taps open unnecessarily, and do not leave them open after leaving the room.

5. Parking of vehicles

5.1. Vacationers are provided with a place to park their vehicles in a specially designated area. 

5.2. It is strictly forbidden to leave vehicles at the entrances and exits, internal passages. In case of repeated violation of the parking rules, the administration has the right to evict the vacationer. 

5.3. The hotel administration is not responsible for damage to the vehicle while the vehicle is parked.

6. Services provided by the Park Hotel "Golden Beach"

6.1. The Park Hotel provides basic services included in the price of accommodation and additional services provided for a fee. Without the consent of the vacationer, the Park Hotel cannot provide additional services that are not stipulated by the contract. 

6.2. Basic services include: provision of a room for accommodation, use of the beach and other free services. 

6.3. Additional services include: bicycle, catamaran, kayak rental, firewood sales, pet food, etc. 

6.4. The minimum term for the provision of basic services is 1 day (the term for which the Service Agreement is concluded). 

6.5. Park Hotel "Zolotoy Beach" guarantees the readiness of the reserved room for check-in after 15:00. Early check-in (before the check-out time) is possible only by prior arrangement with the administration, if the room booked by the vacationer is free. Early check-in before 15:00 and late check-out are charged additionally.

7. Procedure for payment for services

7.1. Payment for the provision of services is made in advance, in accordance with a single settlement time - 15:00 local time. Prepayment of a reservation for one day is paid in full - within one day from the date of booking. Prepayment for reservations of 2 nights or more is 50% of the total amount of the invoice, the rest is paid directly upon arrival.

7.2 Penalty in case of cancellation :

7.2.1 If canceled more than 14 days before arrival - 0% of the cost of the service. 7.2.2 In case of cancellation less than 14 days before arrival, the funds are not refunded and are not transferred to the deposit.

8. Termination of accommodation of vacationers. Refusal of accommodation.

8.1. Vacationers terminate their stay at the Golden Beach Park Hotel upon the expiration of the Service Agreement between the vacationer and the Park Hotel. 

8.2. If a vacationer repeatedly violates these Rules, which leads and/or may lead to material damage and/or creates inconvenience for other vacationers, the Park Hotel has the right to refuse to accommodate or terminate the Service Agreement (to evict). In this case, the vacationer is obliged to compensate for the material damage (if any) and a penalty (fine) in the amount equal to 100% of the cost of services paid for by the latter and not consumed by him/her is withheld from the vacationer. 

8.3. In the event of termination of the Service Agreement at the initiative of the Camper for any reason, a penalty (fine) in the amount equal to 100% of the cost of the services for which the latter has paid and which have not been consumed shall be withheld from the Camper.

8.4. The Administrator has the right to refuse to accommodate in the following cases: 

- the vacationers do not have documents, the documents are invalid or expired, or there are suspicions that the documents are fake; 

- there is no payment for the room in the prescribed manner and in the required amount; 

- the vacationer has an untidy, dirty appearance, is intoxicated, behaves inappropriately, aggressively; 

- the vacationer refuses to comply with these rules (smoking, parking, alcohol consumption, etc.); 

- in other cases provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine, these Rules and the Service Agreement. All disputes shall be resolved by the administration.

9. Responsibility of Park Hotel and consumers

9.1. In case of failure to fulfill in full or in part the contractual obligations related to the provision of services, the guilty party shall reimburse the other party for the losses incurred. 

9.2. In case of loss or damage to the thing, the vacationer is obliged to immediately notify the administration. 

9.3. The owners of vehicles parked on the territory in front of the Park Hotel "Golden Beach" are responsible for the safety of such vehicles.

9.4. In case of significant material damage caused to the Park Hotel through the fault or negligence of the vacationers, in addition to compensation for damages, the vacationer is obliged to voluntarily or in court to reimburse the costs associated with the downtime of the room during the repair, replacement of furniture, etc.

10. Tourist tax

10.1. Payers of the tourist tax are citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, and stateless persons. The decision of the Pishchany village council sets the rate of the tourist tax at 0.5% of the minimum wage and amounts to UAH 35.50. Individuals are exempt from paying the tourist tax

- permanently reside in the village or town whose councils established such a fee (residents of Pishchanka); 

- who arrived on a business trip;

- children under the age of 18; 

- arrived on a voucher for treatment; 

- people with disabilities.




Rules for visiting the Golden Beach Water Park

Section 1. General rules for using the services of the Water Park

1.1. Each User shall be obliged to comply with the safety rules independently, as well as to maintain order and cleanliness in the territory of the Water Park.

1.2. A User who has not purchased a control bracelet with identification (height over 110 cm) is considered to be a person who is on the territory of the Water Park illegally, i.e. in violation of the requirements of the legislation and these Rules. Such User shall leave the territory of the Water Park. 

1.3. The total number of Users simultaneously staying at the Water Park is limited. Upon reaching the maximum possible number of Users, the Administration has the right to temporarily restrict access to the Water Park for technical or other reasons. In case of unforeseen technical malfunctions of the attractions and, as a result, the impossibility of their use, the prices for the time spent at the Water Park shall not be reduced. In case of technical repairs of the attraction(s) and, as a result, the impossibility of its (their) use, the money is not refunded. 

1.4. The Users have the right to stay at the territory of the Water Park only during the time of its operation/visitation established by the Administration. Upon expiration of the specified time, Users are obliged to leave the territory of the Water Park. The Administration reserves the right to change the operating hours of the Water Park. 

1.5. At the slightest signs of malaise and/or injuries, the User is obliged to contact the Water Park administration. 

1.6. On the territory of the Water Park, women shall wear swimsuits, and men shall wear men's swimming trunks (briefs, slips, boxer trunks, tight knee-length swimming shorts) or wetsuits. When using the water attractions, the Administration is not responsible for the integrity of the Users' swimsuits and swimming trunks. The Users of the Water Park outside the area of water slides, pools and attractions (in particular, but not exclusively, on the territory of catering establishments, gazebos, etc.) have the right to wear any other comfortable clothes. 

1.7. Children must wear bathing suits on the territory of the Water Park, regardless of their age. Young children who are not potty trained must wear special waterproof diapers. 

1.8. Users can use sunbeds located on the territory of the Water Park free of charge, it is prohibited to move sunbeds without the permission of the Administration. 

1.9. Users are allowed to bring a towel or a cape (pareo) with them. In order to comply with the safety rules and sanitary requirements (for external examination for open wounds, infectious, skin and other types of diseases, as well as for the presence of medical bandages, adhesive plasters), at the request of the Water Park employee, Users are obliged to take off their towel / terrycloth robe / cape (pareo). 

1.10. Users shall be respectful to each other and not interfere with the rest of other Users. 

1.11. The Users are prohibited to interfere with the work of the Water Park employees and/or recreation of other Users by playing musical instruments, using audio and video equipment, intercom systems, non-musical noise, whistling, singing, or in any other way. Users are personally responsible for electronic devices (mobile phones, MP-3 players, tablet PCs, etc.) damaged on the territory of the Water Park. 1.12. By using the services of the Water Park, the User automatically consents to the use of his/her image, name, etc. in advertising materials, including in accordance with Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising". The exception to this rule is the User's direct refusal to use his/her image, name, etc. in advertising materials. 

1.13. Upon entering the pool and/or water attraction, the User shall carefully study the information plate of the pool/water attraction and independently assess the degree of risk and possible consequences. Persons with medical or other contraindications are prohibited from using the pools/water attractions. Users are personally responsible for their life and health in case of violation of this rule. 

1.14. Persons who do not know how to swim are prohibited from using water attractions. Persons over the age of 18 are fully responsible for themselves and for the minors who came with them. Persons who have reached the age of 14 are fully responsible for themselves and for compliance with all the rules established on the territory of the Golden Beach Water Park 

1.15. In case of loss or damage to the bracelet, the User is obliged to immediately notify the Administration. The fine for the loss of the bracelet is 1000 UAH. 

1.16. The administration reserves the right to suspend the operation of water attractions in case of adverse weather conditions (rain, thunderstorm, increased wind). In this case, the cost of the entrance ticket is not fully or partially refundable.


Section 2. Rules of conduct when using water attractions and in the pools of the Water Park

2.1. It is forbidden to use the water attractions of the Water Park for Users with cardiovascular, psychoneurological diseases, diseases of the spine, musculoskeletal system, who have a medical or other prohibition and/or contraindications. 

2.2 Pregnant women are prohibited from using water attractions. Pregnant women shall independently assess the degree of risk in case of violation of this provision of the Rules and shall be liable in case of any consequences. 

2.3. Before using water attractions, Users are obliged to familiarize themselves with the rules of use of this attraction, which are posted on the attractions themselves, as well as on the website of the Water Park. If necessary, the Users can get additional advice and/or recommendations from the Water Park employee or at the Water Park ticket office. Users are personally responsible for violation of the established Rules and possible consequences. 

2.4. Users are prohibited from visiting water attractions and swimming pools: 

2.4.1 It is prohibited to jump and dive into the water from the sides of the pools, hold each other underwater, shout, perform acrobatic exercises, or perform any other actions that endanger their life and health or the life and health of other people. 

2.4.2. Do not use the tubes and mats for other purposes. 

2.4.3. Users who do not have swimming skills shall not go down from water attractions and use swimming pools. Users are solely responsible for their safety in case of violation of these Rules. Children who do not have swimming skills should not use water attractions. Adults are responsible for their children in case of their descent from water attractions. 

2.4.4. To use the water attractions and pools of the Water Park in outerwear, bathing suits with belts, rivets, buckles and other metal decorations, as well as to use jewelry, watches, including electronic watches, fitness bracelets, glasses (except for special goggles for swimming), hairpins and other decorative jewelry. In order to avoid injuries during their stay at the Water Park, Users who use glasses are strongly recommended to fix them with a glasses lace. 

2.4.5. It is forbidden to use soap, shampoo and other detergents during water procedures in the pool. 

2.4.6. To bring any glass products, including tableware, into the Water Park's water zone. 

2.4.7. Descend from water attractions: lying on your stomach, head first or standing. The user is obliged to start descending from slides sitting or lying on his back with his feet forward. 

2.4.8. Two or more persons may descend from water attractions at the same time. The descent from the water attractions shall be started only after the previous User has completely completed his/her descent and left the receiving tray or the pool of the water attraction. 

2.4.9. Descend from water rides without water supply - i.e. in all cases when the automatic water supply to water rides is turned off.

 2.4.10. It is prohibited to use water attractions with the use of inflatable inflatables, circles and mats. 

2.4.11. It is forbidden to descend from water rides with phones and action cameras. 

2.5. If the User has piercings on his/her body, the descent and/or use of water attractions may result in injury. The Users are solely responsible for any injuries resulting from this. 

2.6. Before descending from a water attraction, the User is obliged to hold the handrails (if any) and prepare for the descent and only after the permission of the representative of the Water Park's instructor service to descend from the water attraction. 

2.7. After descending from the water attraction, the User shall immediately leave the receiving chute or pool to avoid possible injuries. 

2.8 The procedure of access to all water attractions is regulated by the representatives of the instructor service of the Water Park. The Users are obliged to comply with all requirements of the instructors and other employees of the Water Park to ensure safety, maintain order and cleanliness in the territory of the Water Park.

2.9. Due to technical limitations, Users weighing more than 120 kg are not allowed on all water attractions.


Section 3. Rules for visiting the catering facilities, bars located on the territory of the Water Park

3.1 In the water zone of the Water Park, Users pay for additional services using cash or non-cash funds or a deposit card. 

3.2. It is prohibited to take food and drinks outside the territory of such establishments without the permission of the employees of public catering establishments.


Section 4. Rules for visiting the Water Park by minors

4.1. Children under 110 cm tall are admitted to the Water Park free of charge when accompanied by adults. 

4.2. No more than two children whose height does not exceed 110 cm can visit the Water Park with one adult. 

4.3. Minor children (under the age of 18) have the right to visit the Water Park only if accompanied by an adult.

4.4. For safety reasons, the following weight and height restrictions are provided for children: 

4.4.1. Only minor children from the age of 3 years, height up to 155 cm, weight up to 90 kg are allowed to use the Children's slides (Children's Water Park - Coral Reef). In the case of operation of children's slides by parents/accompanists together with minor children, the responsibility for their life and health, as well as the life and health of minors, rests with the parents/accompanists. 4.4.2. Persons whose height exceeds 110 cm and who have swimming skills are allowed to use the water attractions "Hydrotube" and "Multislide". 

4.4.3. Persons whose height exceeds 140 cm, weighing no more than 120 kg on a single special inflatable circle, and 200 kg on a double special inflatable circle are allowed to use the water attractions "Rafting Indoor". 

4.4.4. Persons whose height exceeds 140 cm and weighing no more than 120 kg are allowed to use the Rafting Open water attractions if they have a special mat for descending from the attraction. 

4.4.5. Persons whose height exceeds 110 cm are allowed to use the Junior water attraction only if they are able to swim. Children who do not have swimming skills are allowed to use the attraction if accompanied by an adult. 

4.4.6 Persons with a height exceeding 140 cm and a total weight of both users not exceeding 160 kg on double inflatable circles and one user not exceeding 120 kg on a single special inflatable circle are allowed on the Wave water attractions. Heavier persons must be seated behind when using a double inflatable circle. 

4.4.7. A child under the age of 14 may visit any of the swimming pools only if accompanied by an adult and must use special means of staying on the water (armlets, life jacket). 

4.5. In case of non-admission of Users (including children) to the water attractions, the cost of the entrance control bracelet with identification is not fully or partially refundable. 

4.6. Responsibility for the safety of minors and underage children is borne by their parents and/or responsible (accompanying) adults in full. Adults are prohibited from leaving minor children unattended on the territory of the Water Park of the Golden Beach Water Park's Entertainment and Recreation Zone. 

4.7. It is forbidden to leave children unattended by their parents and/or responsible (accompanying) persons in swimming pools and water attractions. There is a special playground for children in the Water Zone of the Water Park, as well as a children's pool. 

4.8. It is forbidden to visit swimming pools for children under three years of age without swimming diapers. 

4.9. When visiting the Water Park by an organized group, which includes minor children, the leader of such a group is responsible for compliance with the terms of these rules and behavior of children. If the members of the group are adults, each of them is personally responsible for compliance with the rules. The leader of the organized group is obliged to fill in a receipt before visiting the Water Park. 

4.10. When visiting the Water Park by an organized group, which includes minor children, there must be at least 2 responsible (accompanying) persons.


Section 5. It is prohibited to do the following on the territory of the Water Park

It is prohibited for the Water Park users: 

5.1. To stay in the Water Park without the purchased control bracelet. 

5.2. To visit the Water Park with open wounds, infectious, skin and other types of diseases, as well as in the presence of medical bandages and adhesive plasters. The Users of the Water Park, who violated this rule, shall be fully responsible for the damage caused to the health of other Users and the expenses incurred in this regard. 

5.3. Visiting the main pool by children under the age of 14 without being accompanied by an adult and special means of staying on the water (armbands, life jacket). 

5.4. Smoking in the territory of the Water Park, except for the places specially designated for this purpose. Users of the Water Park who violate this rule are obliged to pay a fine of UAH 500, and may be removed from the territory of the Water Park without any monetary compensation. 5.5. Bringing food and drinks into the Water Park. This rule does not apply to food (fruit or baby food) intended for children under the age of three. For the control of this item, at the request of the security guards, the Users of the Water Park must present for inspection the contents of the bag or package with which they enter the territory. 

5.6. Stay near swimming pools and water attractions with food and drinks. 

5.7. Eat food and/or drink in places not directly designated for this purpose, including: in water, swimming pools, locker rooms, etc. 

5.8. To bring firearms, gas, pneumatic, traumatic and cold weapons, wheeled cutting objects, explosive and flammable, toxic and strongly smelling substances, as well as other items prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine into the Water Park. 

5.9. Enter any technical and service premises of the Water Park, independently adjust any engineering and technical equipment. Users who have entered such premises shall be fully responsible for the caused malfunctions and accidents. 

5.10. Discriminate and show disrespect due to differences in race, nationality, religion, age, social status and/or other grounds. 

5.11. Use personal individual special swimming equipment (inflatable circles, mattresses, etc.) without the permission of the Administration. 

5.12. Use chewing gum when using swimming pools and/or water attractions. 

5.13. When using swimming pools and/or water attractions, leave your changeable footwear in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement of other Users and/or the Water Park staff in the water area. Before climbing on the water attractions, the Users are obliged to leave their changeable footwear in a specially designated place. 

5.14. Walk and run quickly in the water area of the Water Park (to avoid falls and injuries). 5.15. Persons with obvious signs of alcohol, drug, toxic or other intoxication, such as slurred speech, unsteadiness of gait, coordination disorder (instability in Romberg's pose), nystagmus, red face, smell of alcohol, etc. are prohibited from entering the Water Park. 

5.16. To prevent injuries and for sanitary and hygienic purposes, it is forbidden to swim with loose hair. Hair must be tied up above the nape of the neck in a bun using an elastic band (non-sharp hairpins). 

5.17. Descent from a water slide in the absence of water supply (or water supply in a volume different from the nominal volume) to the descent routes. 

5.18. Descending a water slide in the absence of employees on duty at the starting platform and near the finish area who are responsible for its safe operation. 

5.19. Use of downhill aids on tracks where this is not provided. 

5.20. The user enters the starting element of the downhill course before the previous user leaves the finish area.



Section 6. Liability for violation of the Rules

6.1. Persons may be denied access to the Water Park: 

6.1.1. Who have repeatedly or grossly violated the provisions of these Rules. 

6.1.2. Those whose behavior interferes with the rest of other Users of the Water Park.

6.1.3. Violating the rules of public order and/or other norms of the legislation of Ukraine. 6.2. If the staff detects a person who is on the territory of the Water Park and has not paid the cost of the control bracelet with identification, such person, at the suggestion of the Administration, is obliged to pay for his/her stay in the amount of the full cost of visiting the Water Park on that day. In case of refusal to pay for their stay at the Water Park, such person shall be subject to forced removal from the Water Park. 

6.3. In case of loss or damage to the property of the Water Park due to the User's fault, he/she is obliged to compensate for the damages in full, as well as to bear responsibility for other violations committed by him/her in accordance with these Rules and/or in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. 

6.4. The Users are personally responsible for the safety of personal belongings and jewelry left unattended at the territory of the Water Park. 

6.5. In case the User discovers the fact of loss of his/her material assets, he/she shall immediately notify the representatives of the Water Park administration to take prompt measures aimed at finding the missing valuables. 

6.6. The Water Park's staff is authorized to take necessary and sufficient measures against the Users who are in a state (or show signs) of alcohol, toxic or narcotic intoxication, in a mentally unbalanced state, as well as against the Users who do not respond to the staff's remarks and do not comply with these Rules. 

6.7. Failure to comply with the Rules of visiting the Water Park, including: staying at the territory of the Water Park without paying for a control bracelet with identification, creating unacceptable conditions for the rest of any User, violation of public order and/or norms of the current legislation of Ukraine - is an unconditional ground for the removal of such User from the Water Park. 

6.8. The Administration has the right to cancel the validity of the control bracelet with the identification of the Golden Beach Water Park in case of repeated violation by the User of the Terms and Conditions of Stay at the Golden Beach Water Park or gross violation of the relevant rules without compensation for the relevant subscription. 

6.9. The Administration has the right to refuse to provide services and / or remove Users from the territory of the Water Park in the following cases: 

6.9.1. In the presence of signs of alcohol intoxication and/or signs of the influence of other drugs that reduce the reaction and can lead to injury. 

6.9.2. In case of gross violation of the safety requirements for staying at the territory of the Water Park. 

6.9.3. In case of refusal to comply with the requirements of instructors and other responsible persons of the Water Park.

6.10. Persons who violate these Rules may be denied the right to further visit the Water Park for security reasons. 

6.11. When the User is removed from the Water Park for violation of these Rules, the cost of the control bracelet with identification is not reimbursed, no compensation payments are made. 6.12. The Users are solely responsible for any injuries, damages and losses that occurred as a result of non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment of these Rules, recommendations of the Water Park staff and/or for other reasons.


The Water Park Administration has the right to close the Water Park if:

⁃ The ambient temperature in the shade does not exceed 26 degrees Celsius during the daytime. 

⁃Wind speed is greater than 10 meters per second. 

⁃ According to meteorological data, rain is forecast for a third of the water park's working hours.

⁃ The water temperature in the pools is below 22 degrees Celsius.

 If you have any doubts about the work of the Water Park on the current day, we strongly recommend that you call us from 09:00 to 10:00 am.

Data is used from